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Latest News >NWAA Calendar
The North West Air Ambulance (a charity close to Phil and his Crew’s hearts as regulars are aware) has launched its 2009 Calendar called “Bare in the Air”! Yes, you guessed it, some of the wonderful staff and volunteers of the NWAA have tastefully and tactfully stripped off to raise the always needed funds for ‘Katie’ their Air Ambulance. For those who are faint hearted, please be assured that strategically placed tools of the trade were put in place on all photographs to spare blushes!
But even better - our very own Chief Pilot, Capt Neil Airey, who is also a Pilot for the NWAA has confirmed what we have thought all along that there is more to him than meets the eye and has posed for this calendar. He is now known as MR SEPTEMBER!!
As everyone knows the NWAA does the most fantastic job as the regional medical air emergency service but sadly despite being a vital service on call seven days a week, 365 days a year across 5,500 square miles it receives no Government funding whatsoever. So please put your hands in your pockets and spend £5 (absolute bargain) on the NWAA 2009 Calendar which is available from Booths Stores across the region ( for store locations) or from the NWAA website online shop itself .
Please see the article below from the Blackpool Gazette regarding the calendar which just happens to feature a photograph of the aforementioned ‘Mr September’ and for the full information regarding the Calendar Launch, please click on the following link
