Huey UH-1H

Bell Huey UH1H Tail Number: 72-21509 G-UH1H


The Flight Team - Ralph Chappell

Ralph Chappell

Email Address:

Semi-Retired Contract Pilot

Ralph Chappell
Ralph Chappell

Career details and aviation experience:

I started flying as a Civil Air Patrol Cadet and later enlisted in the US Army as a Warrant Officer Candidate in order to become an Army Helicopter Pilot. I completed flight training in July 1968 at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia, as a qualified Huey pilot. I attended Chinook Pilot training at Fort Rucker, Alabama en-route to Vietnam. I was assigned to combat duty in Vietnam where I served with the 178th Boxcars, and 205th Geronimo's. After my one year in Vietnam, I was assigned to the Army Aviation School at Fort Rucker as a Chinook Instructor Pilot and voluntarily returned to the 205th Geronimo's as a Unit Standardization Instructor Pilot.

My second combat tour began on April 1st, 1970, which should have been an indication of things to come. In mid-June 1970, I was wounded and returned to Fort Sill, Oklahoma after treatment at the US Army Hospital in Camp Zama, Japan. I served as a Chinook Instructor Pilot until leaving Active Duty on Christmas Eve, 1970.

I joined the North Carolina National Guard and flew Huey and Kiowa helicopters for the Division Aviation Company, 30th Infantry Division. A few years later I began my commercial aviation career by heading off to Burkina Faso to fly helicopters and airplanes. Later work assignments took me to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Ivory Coast, Spain, The Canary Islands, Italy, the UK, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Alaska, Iran, and other places. I also did flight and simulator instruction at three factories, Agusta in Italy, Sikorsky in Florida, and Bell in Texas. I found myself flying Huey's for Northwest Helicopters and the Thurston County Sheriff's Office in Olympia, Washington when Phil Connolly decided to purchase one for his own use.

My association with Phil Connolly and Neil Airey came about by my being asked to do some flying with them in Olympia when they came for their initial conversion training on the Huey. We participated in the Discover Channel filming at that time and had a good time doing that bit of flying. Phil asked me to assist him during the transition period while the aircraft is being converted to the British Registry and I gladly agreed to do so. Flying the Huey with Phil and Neil continues to be a labor of love….and flying this military looking Huey is like dancing with an old girl friend.

The response we get from all who visit with us where ever we stop has been very rewarding. As a Vietnam Veteran, I especially appreciate Phil and his wife, Joanne, honoring the men who served in the 129th Aviation Company in combat by listing on their aircraft, the names of those Killed-in-Action and Missing-in-Action. That makes it a Flying Vietnam Memorial in addition to being a flying piece of history and thus makes this a very special project for me.

Ralph Chappell Ralph Chappell

Ralph Chappell

Worst aviation moment:

Will be when I make my last flight and have to give up flying.

Best aviation moment:

It has to be a night flight to Le Touquet, France from Redhill in a Sikorsky S-58T helicopter with Captain Mike Norris. It was a very pretty winter night with snow on the ground in France and a nice full moon shining. Having read a lot of accounts of RAF Bomber Command flight crew's experiences during the war, I could not help but think "Enemy Coast Ahead!"

Funniest Aviation Moment:

While flying in the Harmatan Dust of West Africa, using some ancient maps, landed in a quest to determine where I was….to realize I did not even know which country I was in! Asked in English and got answered in English….and confirmed I was in Ghana and not Ivory Coast. The next stop was even funnier….down to fifteen minutes fuel, was told my destination was two marks away on the watch…returned to verify that was by driving by road…took off and then thought was that ten minutes or two hours? That is "LOST"!

Other Interests:

Sailing, Fishing, Life in the Wilderness, Large Bore Rifles, Old Whisky, and Blue Grass Music.

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