Once again Myerscough College had their annual Open Day at their site just off the A6. We attended a similar event a few years ago and enjoyed the day. As it is 'local' to us at Wesham it is great that we can support such an event. They agreed for us to land on the area used as the golf driving range. Although this was quite a hike from the main events it didn't deter many from trooping across to say “hello”. After we had checked the landing zone for 'FOD' we realised that had we landed anywhere else there could have been some rather irate groundsmen and golfers.
As it is a one day event we arrived early with the motorhome which I drove in with Jo Connolly and Oliver for our roles as Ground Crew. Phil was to pilot the Huey. Oliver was a late stand in as working shifts got in the way of others being able to take part. Phil's landing time was to be 10.30 hrs as the organisers were making sure horses, etc were contained in case they were 'spooked' by the helicopter.
It was good to know the exact landing time for Huey as it meant we had plenty of time to set the shop up. Joanne Beswick arrived just before the gates were open to the public, to help in the shop. The weather was kind as the sun shone and there was light breeze which meant we didn't need to bother with the full awning on the Trade Stand for protection. We had with us some laminated signs which we set up along the route to guide those who wanted to have a closer look at 509. We had also been asked if we could be interviewed by the announcer on the tannoy to talk about the history of 509, to which I agreed. I broke away from putting the signs up to do the interview and just as I'm in full flood I could hear in the background the unmistakable “thud thud thud” of the Huey's rotor slap. By the time I'd escaped the interview and got to the golf range Phil was already parked on the ground!!
Phil, Oliver, the two Jo’s and I manned the shop and the Huey in the best way we could as the shop and Huey were so far apart. It was a hot sunny day so we were pleasantly surprised at the number of people who made the effort to come across to have a look and a natter. Once again it’s a good job we don't get upset too easily as the most popular question was ‘when are you leaving’ ; we understand why so it doesn't bother us.
Our trade stand was placed right next to the venue for ‘Make your own Cupcakes’ so there was a steady stream of visitors pausing to visit our shop! It was a real family event so we were kept busy sticking Huey badges on the little ones and chatting with people who, because it was a local event, had seen our Huey in the skies on many occasions and were very interested to hear the full story.
The organisers announced that it was a record crowd, which was good to hear because, as with any event of this kind, an enormous amount of hard work had gone into the organisation of the show and we are extremely grateful to the team at Myerscough for making us so welcome.
A good crowd gathered to watch us depart at 16.30 hrs precisely and we had a very pleasant trip back to Wesham through the beautiful Lancashire countryside.
Another great day and a good crowd to talk to. Thank you to you all for making it such an enjoyable day. |